At Port McNeill Photo: Mika Kaartinen |
Kamala kaatosade ja hirvittävä kiire Sointulan lautalle. Ehditäänkö? Kaasu pohjassa, mutta kuitenkin on pakko ihailla maisemia. Muuten näyttää samalta kuin Suomessa, mutta nuo metsät! Seetripuita, vuoria, utua, pilviä, jotka viistävät maata. Nyt on pakko ehtiä lautalle, vaikka seuraavallakin pääsisi. Jokainen minuutti perillä on kullanarvoinen.
Ja jokainen autokunta ehtii siihen Suomen lipuin varustettuun lauttaan. Sade loppuu, vastarannalla aurinko kultaa Sointulan ja sateenkaari koristaa taivaan. Kiire loppuu siihen paikkaan. Olemme perillä. Onnellisina, kiitollisina, väsyneinä, jännittyneinä.
Ferry from Vancouver to Nanaimo, driving through Vancouver Island to Port McNeill. First signs saying Sointula this way. This cannot be true, we are starting to be close. It is pouring and we are on a rush to Sointula ferry. Are we able to make it? Driving as fast as possible, but we stare out of the windows with wonder and delight. The scenery is breathtaking. It looks much like at home, but those forests... Ceder trees, mountains, mist and clouds, that touch the ground. But we have to hurry to the ferry, even though there is always a next ferry. Every minute in Sointula is worth gold.
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Sointula ferry - with Finnish Flag Photo: Inka Virtanen |
Ferry from Vancouver to Nanaimo, driving through Vancouver Island to Port McNeill. First signs saying Sointula this way. This cannot be true, we are starting to be close. It is pouring and we are on a rush to Sointula ferry. Are we able to make it? Driving as fast as possible, but we stare out of the windows with wonder and delight. The scenery is breathtaking. It looks much like at home, but those forests... Ceder trees, mountains, mist and clouds, that touch the ground. But we have to hurry to the ferry, even though there is always a next ferry. Every minute in Sointula is worth gold.
Everyone makes it to the ferry. There is a Finnish flag! Rain stops, Sointula is gilded by sun light and a rainbow ends over Sointula harbour. There is no rush anymore. We are there, feeling happy, thankful, tired, but excited.
Päätämme tervehtiä Sointulaa näytelmän laululla Malkosaaresta. Etukannella lauletaan ja toivotaan, että joku sen saarella kuulisi lautan moottorin jylyn yli. (Kyllähän se kuului, sointulalaiset kertoivat laulun raikuneen pitkälle). Vihdoinkin perillä.
We decide to greet Sointula by singing a song from the play. We gather to the front deck and hope that our singing would be heard over the ferry motors roar. (And yes, the song was heard far away from the harbour. More or less everyone knew that we had arrived.) Finally there.
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